Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This is a quartz rock. It is the most prevelant mineral found on earth. It has been around for centuries and used for many things including both technology and spiritual practices. It is also Georgia's state gem.

This a granite rock. It is radioactive and is found in abundance all over the planet. It is strong and durable and has been used for construction for centuries. Mount Rushmore is made of granite rock.

This is a sandstone rock. Sandstone was a popular building material in ancient times. It is somewhat soft making it easier to carve. Sandstone may be any color but the most common are tan, brown, yellow, red, gray, pink, white, and black.

This is a gneiss rock. It is a very common rock and is formed from metamorphic from pre-existing formations that were originally either igneous or sedimentary rocks. This rock consists mostly of quartz and feldspar and may show distinct layering or banding. It is pronounced, "nice".

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