Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Perfect Storm

The Perfect Storm was a great movie. After learning about how the earth's ocean currents run and the Coriolis Effect, it was cool to see how it worked in a real life situation. In this movie George Clooney and all of the fishermen on his team attempt to travel through the hurricane and terrrible weather fronts but realize they can't make it. When they try to turn around, they encounter a monster wave and try to power through it but aren't able to make it over. The boat flips and everyone unfortunately passes away. Other than the sad ending, I enjoyed watching this movie and seeing how what we are learning in class relates to real life scenarios.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Plant Update - 2/20/13

Plant survived our away road trip while I was gone. It keeps growing. Hopefully it continues.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Plant update - 2-12-13

My plant is starting to grow more and more everyday. Hopefully the continuous rainfall doesn't affect its growth (lack of sunlight).

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cruz Plaza

Cruz plaza is a new Mercer investment expected to be done by August of 2013. Some things that they must take into account when creating this new plaza is first, safety and creating a barrier safe for students to go to class around. Also, they must be aware of existing infrastructure. Another thing to consider is construction must build to control rainfall and erosion at all times. These are just few of the many things that construction must consider before working in order to successfully build cruz plaza. I look forward to what cruz plaza will bring to Mercer University.


This is a quartz rock. It is the most prevelant mineral found on earth. It has been around for centuries and used for many things including both technology and spiritual practices. It is also Georgia's state gem.

This a granite rock. It is radioactive and is found in abundance all over the planet. It is strong and durable and has been used for construction for centuries. Mount Rushmore is made of granite rock.

This is a sandstone rock. Sandstone was a popular building material in ancient times. It is somewhat soft making it easier to carve. Sandstone may be any color but the most common are tan, brown, yellow, red, gray, pink, white, and black.

This is a gneiss rock. It is a very common rock and is formed from metamorphic from pre-existing formations that were originally either igneous or sedimentary rocks. This rock consists mostly of quartz and feldspar and may show distinct layering or banding. It is pronounced, "nice".

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Plant finally sprouted

My plant finally sprouted. I could start to see it coming in a couple of days ago but now it finally came in noticeably. Hopefully our road trips away won't kill it. I look forward to seeing it grow more.